Olga Shevchenko is an art director and designer at Vintage Web Production. We talk about how the best web production in Eastern Europe found its brightest web designers. So how does Vintage hire web designers? It is actually an interesting story. The point is that designers write us, not we…
All posts tagged For Designers
So, you’ve made up your mind: your business can no longer do without its very own, modern and stunningly looking website. A clever decision! Soon enough, if not already, no business will be considered credible if it cannot be found online. But in your intention to be represented and…
When I started my own web design studio 10 years ago, many things about web development did not seem as obvious to me as they actually were. But as we grew, progressed, gained experience and reputation, we learned some web development tips and tricks, which, looking back, I wish we…
History is a spiral, and new trends are just reflections of their former selves. If we look at fashion or interior design, many of the forms and shapes are being reborn in new hypostases from the decades long past. With web and digital design, it is the similar case. Similar,…
When you are in the world of luxury, you cannot afford a single flaw. And neither can your website. Take hotels, for instance. How can you assure your future VIP clients that staying at your hotel is really worth their money? How do you transmit the level of premium, and…
Let’s face it: advertising is going digital – slowly, but firmly. Although TV stays the leading advertising platform even in the developed countries, the internet grinds its gears more and more with each passing year. Recent forecasts suggest that digital marketing budgets of the Top-20 U.S. companies are likely…
Let us be honest: today, almost every piece of content you can find on the Internet is produced with a mercantile purpose behind it. Every opinion, advice, expertise or even a news story have a common objective – to gain the reader. So, how do we make Internet users actually read…