After just a couple of decades of using the internet en masse and just under a decade of life with Facebook, the humanity is changing faster than ever. With humanity, brand strategy and web design have also seen a dramatic turning point in its genesis. Not only the mere physical…
Lots of interaction and UX designers have been practicing service design for years. But the thing is that service design is not a job of designers only, but any business itself. Applicable across the board in many business processes, it is vital you utilize the concept of service design at…
Scientific methods currently existed seem to be not enough to explain all phenomena happening in this crazy world. How to explain that a toast falls butter-side down in the majority of instances (from a designer’s hand, actually, in all)? Why does a presentation kit break a second before a…
Olga Shevchenko is an art director and designer at Vintage Web Production. We talk about how the best web production in Eastern Europe found its brightest web designers. So how does Vintage hire web designers? It is actually an interesting story. The point is that designers write us, not we…
Utility, simplicity, originality, intuitiveness, and continues improvement are the basic principles of solid web design. But some things shine more brightly when being compared, so I’ve decided to highlight some most important but not most obvious conceptual mistakes which may lead to a bundle outcome. Here are my 5…
The Whip and The Chair There is a classic story of the lion tamer. A tamer holds a long, threatening whip in one hand and a small chair in front of the lion’s face in other. The whip usually grabs all the audience’s attention, but it is mostly…
Corporate websites are no longer the same In 2013, Coca-Cola made a quite provocative statement: the corporate website is dead. What did they mean? There has long been an expectation that a good corporate website had to be the definitive source of information about a company and the first place…