“It is about quality, not quantity – not landfill” © Vivienne Westwood Today, during my session in Luxury Marketing I have got an insight. Together with founders of the new platform called Nynjalist, we were discussing the way how to promote luxury sneakers in social media and one interesting issue was raised…
Festivals usually last from few days up to a week. Millions of people in the world annually plan their holidays around festivals. Sziget. Burning Man. Glastonbury Festival. Rock am Ring. Lollapalooza. They are all part of the globalization. They give people a break from reality and immerse them in the…
Just as you book the Grand Ballroom in Plaza one year ahead of your Big Day, getting your wedding web page developed is as important to commence at an early stage of planning. There is so much tradition in wedding planning, that everything hi-tech may seem just slightly out of…
With $3.3 billion pledged to Kickstarter projects alone, crowdfunding is to a start-up as meth was to Walter White – the readily-available means to an end with some risks involved, but who cares at this stage? The platform is in the Alexa 500 top global ranking and boasts 13.6…
After just a couple of decades of using the internet en masse and just under a decade of life with Facebook, the humanity is changing faster than ever. With humanity, brand strategy and web design have also seen a dramatic turning point in its genesis. Not only the mere physical…
Optimizing a landing page has been one of the key areas that marketers have been interested in improving ever since a site had been launched. With the first part (pulling people in) reeling in people and getting them to their site, a good landing page will mean the difference between…
Lots of interaction and UX designers have been practicing service design for years. But the thing is that service design is not a job of designers only, but any business itself. Applicable across the board in many business processes, it is vital you utilize the concept of service design at…